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5 Facts about Radon Gas exposure:


You may not have heard of it, but radon is a part of your life.


Radon Gas is not it not detectable by sight or smell. The only way to measure radon - is to test.


Read five facts home owners should know about radon, including how it can affect your home, your workplace and your health.


1) Radon is a gas which can seep into our homes / buildings:


Radon gas is created when natural radioactive uranium slowly decays in the ground and seeps to the surface. Because of the way we heat and ventilate our homes, some radon gets indoors through the floor. This is where we get most of our radon exposure.


2) In some parts of the country, homes are more likely to have high radon levels


Every building contains radon but the levels are usually low. In some parts of the country homes may have higher levels, and the chances of a higher level depend on the type of ground. For instance, levels may be higher in parts of the country rich in granite, such as Dartmoor in Devon and Cornwall.


3) It’s easy to test your home or workplace's radon levels:


Take a look at the UK radon map, if you live in an area likely to be affected by higher levels of radon, you can get your property tested by us. Testing is easy. You place a plastic detector about the size of a biscuit in your living room, another in your bedroom and leave them for three months. After that you post them off and your radon level is calculated. If the level is high you can take steps to reduce radon levels in your home.



4) High radon levels in the home can be reduced:


Although high levels of radon at home can be a problem the good news is they can be reduced by simple building works. Many people’s first thought is “how much is this going to cost me?” but there are a few options to choose from, including a Radon Sump pump and / or Positive Input Ventilation - depending on the style of your home and your radon levels.

5) If you have high levels of radon at home, you should take action:


If we breath in high levels of radon over long periods of time this exposure can lead to damage to the sensitive cells of our lungs which increases the risk of lung cancer. Radon causes about 1,000 lung cancer deaths in the UK every year. We also know that the combined risks of smoking and high radon exposure can really make a major difference to your chances of developing lung cancer.

Radon test kits are available on our shop page.





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Radon Protection UK Ltd, Unit 8 Eckland Lodge, Desborough Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 8HB
Company Reg Number:10297854

Vat Reg Number:  382 710106,  

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Radon Protection UK. Radon remediation specialists and recommended contractors of The Radon Council.

(The regulatory body for the UK radon industry)

0800 9788435

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