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Measuring Radon in your home


The radon detectors:

Radon detectors are safe and simple to use: e.g., they can sit on a shelf. The hollow plastic shell contains a piece of clear plastic that records the damage caused by radon. The detectors do not emit anything and do not collect anything dangerous. However, they can be damaged by heat or submersion in water and should not be opened.

The radon test:

The amount of radon varies over time and from room to room in a home. The test is carried out over three months to allow for variations in levels. The test is to determine your exposure, this is why we recommend testing the living area and bedroom as these are the rooms you and your family use the most. Order a domestic measurement pack or workplace measurement pack.

Short-term radon testing

Radon levels in houses vary substantially from day to day as they are influenced by weather conditions. The Action Level refers to the annual average concentration in a home. For this reason, it is preferred that radon measurements are carried out with two detectors (in a living area and bedroom) and are conducted over a reasonable period of time, typically three months. This averages out short-term fluctuations.

Tests that are carried out over shorter periods are only a snap shot / indication of levels at that time.

The result:

We aim to post the result and an explanation to you within 2 -5 working days of you returning the detectors to us. The result will give the yearly average radon level in your home and will tell you whether it is above or below the Action Level. The results will be less reliable:

  • If there is a change of occupier during the test period

  • If the home is unoccupied for more than a few weeks in the three months

  • If there are on-going building works

  • If the detectors are not put in place within a week of arriving

  • If the test period is shorter than 3 months

If the result is near to or above the radon Action Level, we will provide information on radon mitigation such as a radon sump or PIV. If you have concerns about the possibility of radon in your home or workplace, we provide a comprehensive, confidential and accurate radon testing and radon mitigation service. If you have any questions, please get in touch and call Radon Protection during office hours on 0800 978 8435.



© 2015. Radon Protection UK.

All Rights Reserved.

Radon Protection UK Ltd, Unit 8 Eckland Lodge, Desborough Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 8HB
Company Reg Number:10297854

Vat Reg Number:  382 710106,  


Radon Protection UK. Radon remediation specialists and recommended contractors of The Radon Council.

(The regulatory body for the UK radon industry)

0800 9788435

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